Buy thyroxine without prescription

asked Nov 24, 2014 by OdeMortimer (120 points)

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Hi i posted in ur last post lol not relising u have conceived congrats . I to have an underactive thyroid and have an 18month old who i had whilst on 100 mcg levothyroxine . Apart from regular blood tests and endocrinologist appointments i had extra scans to check babys growth everything was fine no more stressfull than my first pregnancy before my thyroid problem was triggerd! But make sure after pregnancy u go for regular tests as mine went mental after i had baby went lower and lower!!Goodluckxx.One option is to take a high dose of carbimazole each day deliberately, or to receive a one-off high dose of radioiodine. This stops your thyroid gland making any thyroxine. You will then need to take a daily dose of thyroxine tablets to keep your blood level of thyroxine normal. This over-treatment and then taking replacement thyroxine is also called 'Block and replace'.

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